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Laequinla Hunter is right for Isle of Wight County schools because she has years of experience in working with youth, parents, and the community.  As a strong advocate for funding CTE programs, Mrs. Hunter became a business owner after high school which opened a door for her to train youth in entrepreneurship.  As the founder of the We Stand Tall Mentoring program, she has mentored, tutored, and prepared youth for the future through entrepreneurship training, strategies, and interactive activities. Mrs. Hunter will be able to advocate for similar programs that will benefit the students in Isle of Wight county.


Mrs. Hunter is the Chairperson of Community Harvest Outreach, Inc. in which she offers programs and services to address the needs of families within the community. As for service, Mrs. Hunter creates various programs and workshops that focus on literacy opportunities, technology initiatives, and career interest opportunities. One of her programs, The Kids Law Academy, is one community initiative that many parents find to be effective as their children are able to engage in hands-on safety training, discussions about safety, and crime, and lessons on forensics science. Parental involvement is important to Mrs. Hunter, so she encourages parents to participate in the programs and workshops.


​As a community leader, she has formed a network of partnerships that empower and support the youth that addresses autism awareness, ending childhood hunger, and mentoring young adults through mental health initiatives.  Through the support and partnerships with students, teachers, and parents, Mrs. Laequinla Hunter will offer a change that will build a stronger foundation for Isle of Wight County Schools. 

Leading the Way to Change: Getting to Know Laequinla Hunter 

School Community Support

Laequinla Hunter is invested in the community through valuable service, dedication, and commitment. Through the development of various programs and initiatives within the community, Mrs. Hunter is a trustworthy and reliable community leader. She will actively listen to the voices of students, teachers, and parents to implement change and vision. 


It is common for malnutrition to affect academic performance and student attendance. Recently, Mrs. Hunter lead an initiative to address and reduce malnutrition in children. The Hunger Walk initiative focuses on collaborating with others and educating the young mind about the importance of eating healthy meals. For the last twenty years, Mrs. Hunter organized a food distribution drive every week to feed families, increase academic success, build relationships, and provide mental health support. This year, the program will focus on meal prepping, exercise, and mental health which are components that can positively affect students in various ways in the school system for overall success. The program will be free for Isle of Wight County families and will build strong communication skills. It takes organization and skill to organize these various community initiatives, and Mrs. Hunter will utilize those same skills in making decisions for all stakeholders. 


Building Effective Relationships 

It is important to Mrs. Hunter that students, teachers, and parents feel supported throughout the educational experience. She believes that everyone should have a seat at the table to communicate and collaborate before making a decision. As a team, students, parents, and teachers must be willing to work together to communicate and collaborate. In addition, listening to internal and external stakeholders will foster support by providing resources needed for overall academic achievement and success. Her community service through the creation of various school drives and outreach programs is favored by many community members. 


Additionally, Mrs. Hunter’s Community Harvest Outreach reaches young adults through an effective and popular GED Program entitled the Top Ten Education Program. The program is a 10-session course that is designed to give an alternative opportunity to students who face many academic challenges. This program alone shows her support in ensuring that all students will have an opportunity to succeed. 


As we embark on a new journey of partnerships, let’s work together to build a system that focuses on the needs through collaboration with the students, teachers, and parents in the Isle of Wight County School System. 

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